Kassie McAlear


Kassie is the newest addition to Reidlaw, having joined the team in 2024.

Growing up in the Northern Territory and then attending the University of Melbourne before relocating to Newcastle, Kassie’s unique path to Reidlaw has given her a diverse legal skillset and an ability to communicate with clients which belies her being a newcomer to the team.

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Background and Experience

Prior to joining the Reidlaw team, Kassie worked in a range of in-house counsel roles in both the government and tertiary sectors. This experience includes in property transactions, intellectual property licencing, planning disputes and corporate compliance. She has had extensive involvement in non-for profit organisations, including volunteering for indigenous groups and local sporting organisations.

These are all skills that Kassie is bringing to her corporate and commercial practice, where she assists the team drafting transaction documents, and providing advice to clients on a broad range of matters including share sales and corporate restructures, as well as distribution agreements and unfair contract terms.   

Prior to joining our team, Kassie gained experience working in ‘in-house’ environments across the higher education and government sectors. In each of these roles, Kassie worked closely with a large, multifaceted client, spanning various sections. These unique positions not only enabled Kassie to forge strong client relationships, but also exposed her to a diverse range of legal work.

There is a strong emphasis on property and commercial law in Kassie’s practice. Her experience to date has involved negotiating and drafting legal instruments such as contracts of sale, leases, and licences, as well as major and minor construction works, services, consultancy, and maintenance agreements.

Beyond Kassie’s legal drafting skills, she is very experienced in legal research and advice work – stemming from her experience in the courts and not-for-profit organisations.


  • Law Society of New South Wales